Daycare Essentials: What Parents Should Pack for Their Kids

As a parent, you want the best for your little one during their time away from home. Packing the right essentials ensures your child’s comfort and well-being at daycare. You need to know what you should and shouldn’t bring when sending them off for a fun, safe day. This article will guide you on packing daycare essentials for your kids.

Clothing and Accessories

 Pack extra clothes to keep them comfortable throughout the day
Pack extra clothes to keep them comfortable throughout the day
When you’re packing your child’s daycare bag, be sure to include comfortable and seasonally appropriate clothing.  While daycares have spare clothes on hand, it’s still a good idea to provide your child with clothes that fit well and are familiar to maximize their comfort. Depending on the climate, you should include the following:
  • Short-sleeve or long-sleeve shirts
  • Sweaters
  • Jeans or pants
  • Shorts
  • Breathable socks and underwear
  • Closed-toed shoes that are easy to slip on and off (sandals may be appropriate if allowed by the daycare facility)
You should also consider packing extra items needed for daycare, such as sweaters, hats, sunscreen, umbrellas, and jackets for changing weather conditions.  Don’t forget accessories like sunglasses or a favorite stuffed animal! In addition, it’s a good idea to pack any items required for your specific daycare, such as blankets or sleeping mats.

Snacks and Meals

When packing for a full day of daycare, it’s essential to include healthy meals and snacks that your child can eat throughout the day.  Snacks and meals will help to keep your child energized and help them to stay focused throughout their activities, socialization, and learning.  When packing food for daycare, parents should consider the type, amount, and timing of food that their child will need throughout the day. For snack time, nutritious options such as fresh vegetables or fruits with peanut butter dip or cheese cubes with whole grain crackers can be easily packed in a lunchbox or bag.  Also, try adding yogurt tubes with granola bars or nut butter with applesauce pouches as mid-day snacks; these options provide energy while providing a source of calcium, vitamins, and minerals. For mealtime at daycare, parents should consider healthy hot meals such as oatmeal with various toppings; breakfast burritos filled with eggs and vegetables; turkey sandwiches on whole wheat bread served with a cheese-veggie wrap; or cold pasta salads made from quinoa or brown rice variant kinds of pasta topped off with tomato sauce are good options for lunchtime. It is also vital for parents to provide an adequate amount of fluids to prevent dehydration during the day.  Be sure to pack several water bottles and 100% fruit juices in small containers if possible – encouraging children to drink fluids during meal times and throughout the rest of the day prevents dehydration from occurring even after physical activities. It’s important to note that daycare employees should be made aware of any dietary restrictions and/or allergies your child may have – even if your child only eats what you pack them. 

Diapering and Potty Training Supplies

Parents should always have a few diapers, wipes, a diaper rash cream or ointment, and a changing pad or mat for younger infants. For potty-training toddlers, bringing extra pants and/or a change of clothes may be helpful. If your child is potty-training at daycare, you may also want to bring a potty seat that your child can use to help them become more comfortable and successful with the process. In either case, hand sanitizer is always useful for keeping hands clean after changing diapers or using the bathroom.

Miscellaneous Items

Sunscreen/Protective Clothing

Check with the daycare provider beforehand to find out what policies they have in place for sun protection.  Still, it’s also a good idea for parents to pack extra sunscreen and protective clothing (such as hats, sunglasses, and long sleeves) in case their child needs extra protection during outdoor activities.

Emergency Contact Information

Always keep updated emergency contact information on file with your daycare provider in case they need to reach out if there is an emergency while your child is in their care.  In addition, it may be helpful for you or other caregivers who may need access to pick up or drop off materials related to the care of children from time to time to have access contact information as well.

Final Thoughts

As you prepare to send your child off to daycare, it is crucial to understand that there is no “one-size-fits-all” formula for what you should include in your child’s bag.  Every facility and parent has different needs, and you should work together to ensure that your particular situation is considered. Providing the necessary items for daycare will help make the transition easier for you and your child. At Karter Schools, we offer daycare in Gainesville as well as programs for toddlers and older children. Contact us today to book a tour!
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